Level 4, 18 North Tce, Adelaide SA

Normal / Combination Skin

Taking care of normal / combination skin can be a bit more challenging since different areas of the face
require different products.

Typically, combination skin is characterised by having two different skin types on the face: one that is oily
(usually in the T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose, and chin) and one that is dry or normal
(typically on the cheeks and sometimes the jawline). This creates a combination of characteristics
from both skin types.

Normal skin typically have a good oil-to-water ratio, meaning their skin produces just enough sebum (natural oil) to keep it moisturised without being excessively oily or dry. Since normal skin is less problematic, people with this skin type can often use a wider range of skincare products without major concerns about irritation or excessive oiliness.

Here are a few recommended products for normal / combination skin types that will brighten and even out your
skin tone and texture:



Best suited to normal – oily skin types. Sunrise Morning Serum LITE uses a finer oil base than the regular Morning Serum, making it suitable for oiler skin types.



Best suited to normal – dry skin types. Please note, this serum may not be suitable for very oily skin types.


Best suited to normal – oily / acne prone skin.




Best suited to normal – dry skin types.
For thicker, oiler skin types try our Lucent Intense Night Cream. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.


Best suited to normal – oily / acne prone skin. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.



Suitable for all skin types, for management and prevention of hyperpigmentation and age spots.

